
Kwanyama (13)
CHN_NEG_HAHN_img_043223_thumb.gif Mandume Ya Ndemufayo, King of Uukwanyama
(December 1929)
CHN_NEG_HAHN_img_043220_thumb.gif Mandume YaNdemufayo, King of Uukwanyama
(December 1929)
CHN_NEG_HAHN_img_043224_thumb.gif Mandume ya Ndemufayo, King of Uukwanyama, entering a homestead with followers, probably at Oihole
(December 1929)
CHN_NEG_HAHN_img_043221_thumb.gif Mandume Ya Ndemufayo, King of Uukwanyama, entering a homestead with followers, probably at Oihole
(December 1929)
CHN_NEG_HAHN_img_043219_thumb.gif Mandume Ya Ndemufayo, King of Uukwanyama, entering a homestead with followers, probably at Oihole
(December 1929)
CHN_NEG_HAHN_img_043225_thumb.gif One of Mandume's followers, with gun
(December 1929)
CHN_NEG_HAHN_img_043218_thumb.gif Mandume Ya Ndemufayo, King of Uukwanyama, One follower kneeling
(December 1929)
CHN_PAN_31716_img_001716_thumb.gif Hahn Collection. Ovamboland: Oshikango August 1935. Tribal meeting with Kwanyama, with Chief Native Commissioner, and other visitors with Ovamboland officials, Hahn Collection. Ovamboland. Oshikango August 1935. Kwanyama "Tribal" meeting with Chief Native Commissioner and other visitors present with officials
(December 1934, August 1935)
CHN_PAN_31719_img_001719_thumb.gif Hahn Collection. Ovamboland. Oshikango August 1935. Kwanyama "Tribal" meeting with Chief Native Commissioner and visitors
(August 1935)
CHN_PAN_31723_img_001723_thumb.gif Hahn Collection. Oshikango August 1935. Kwanyama "tribal" meeting. Headmen seated in foreground, messenger standing to right
(August 1935)
CHN_PAN_31721_img_001721_thumb.gif Hahn Collection. Ovamboland. Another view of the Ukunyama "Tribal" meeting. Bringing up the tribal ox for presentation to the chief Native Commissioner. Headmen of the tribe in foreground. Oshikango August 1935
(August 1935)
CHN_PAN_31720_img_001720_thumb.gif Hahn Collection. Ovamboland. Oshikango August 1935. Kwanyama "Tribal" meeting
(August 1935)
CHN_PAN_31722_img_001722_thumb.gif Hahn Collection. Ovamboland. Oshikango August 1935. Kwanyama "Tribal" meeting with chief Native Commissioner and visitors. Gathering to hear cases
(August 1935)