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Natural selection (20)
On the Origin of Species By Means of Natural Selection : Or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life [electronic resource] / Charles Darwin
The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection : Or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life, 6th Edition [electronic resource] / Charles Darwin
Darwiniana; Essays and Reviews Pertaining to Darwinism [electronic resource] / Asa Gray
Luck, or Cunning, as the Main Means of Organic Modification [electronic resource] / Samuel Butler
De l'origine des espèces [electronic resource] / Charles Darwin
Darwinism (1889) : An exposition of the theory of natural selection, with some of its applications [electronic resource] / Alfred Russel Wallace
On the Origin of Species [electronic resource] / Charles Darwin
Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection : A Series of Essays [electronic resource] / Alfred Russel Wallace
At the Deathbed of Darwinism : A Series of Papers [electronic resource] / Eberhard Dennert
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection ; or, the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life. (2nd edition) [electronic resource] / Charles Darwin
On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection [electronic resource] / Charles Darwin
The Foundations of the Origin of Species : Two Essays written in 1842 and 1844 [electronic resource] / Charles Darwin
Was Man Created? [electronic resource] / Henry A. Mott
Social Environment and Moral Progress [electronic resource] / Alfred Russel Wallace
Lajien synty : Luonnollisen valinnan kautta [electronic resource] / Charles Darwin
The Fall of Man; Or, The Loves of the Gorillas : A Popular Scientific Lecture Upon the Darwinian Theory of Development by Sexual Selection [electronic resource] / Richard Grant White
The Courtship of Animals [electronic resource] / W. P. Pycraft
Charles Darwin and the Theory of Natural Selection [electronic resource] / Edward Bagnall, Poulton
Darwinism. The Noachian Flood : A lecture delivered before the Torquay Natural History Society, Jan. 31st, 1870 [electronic resource] / Thomas Roscoe Rede Stebbing
Über die Entstehung der Arten im Thier- und Pflanzen-Reich durch natürliche Züchtung [electronic resource] / Charles Darwin