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Knights of Art : Stories of the Italian Painters [electronic resource] / Amy Steedman
Records of Journeys to Venice and the Low Countries [electronic resource] / Albrecht Dürer
Pictures Every Child Should Know : A Selection of the World's Art Masterpieces for Young People [electronic resource] / Mary Schell Hoke Bacon
Noa Noa [electronic resource] / Paul Gauguin
Whistler Stories [electronic resource]
Giorgione [electronic resource] / Herbert Frederick Cook
The Earlier Work of Titian [electronic resource] / Claude, Phillips
Jean François Millet : A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter, with Introduction and Interpretation [electronic resource] / Estelle M. Hurll
The French Impressionists (1860-1900) [electronic resource] / Camille Mauclair
Watts (1817-1904) [electronic resource] / William Loftus Hare
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Volume 1 [electronic resource] / da Vinci Leonardo
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Complete [electronic resource] / da Vinci Leonardo
The Notebooks of Leonardo Da Vinci — Volume 2 [electronic resource] / da Vinci Leonardo
Meesterstukken van Rembrandt Harmensz. Van Rijn : Leesboek voor het Lager en Voortgezet Onderwijs [electronic resource] / G. Kielder
The Later Works of Titian [electronic resource] / Claude, Phillips
Le Salon des Refusés : Le Peinture en 1863 [electronic resource] / Fernand Desnoyers
Rembrandt [electronic resource] / Mortimer Menpes
Modern Painting [electronic resource] / George Moore
The Book of Art for Young People [electronic resource] / Agnes Ethel Conway
The Life, Studies, and Works of Benjamin West, Esq. : Composed from Materials Furnished by Himself [electronic resource] / John Galt
Fra Bartolommeo [electronic resource] / Leader Scott
Leonardo Da Vinci [electronic resource] / Maurice W. Brockwell
The Florentine Painters of the Renaissance : With An Index To Their Works [electronic resource] / Bernard Berenson
Sir Joshua Reynolds : A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter with Introduction and Interpretation [electronic resource] / Estelle M. Hurll
Little Journeys to the Homes of the Great - Volume 04 : Little Journeys to the Homes of Eminent Painters [electronic resource] / Elbert Hubbard
Raphael : A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter with Introduction and Interpretation [electronic resource] / Estelle M. Hurll
The Old Masters and Their Pictures, For the Use of Schools and Learners in Art [electronic resource] / Sarah Tytler
Great Pictures, As Seen and Described by Famous Writers [electronic resource]
Hokousaï : L'art japonais au XVII Siècle [electronic resource] / Edmond de Goncourt
Lectures on Landscape : Delivered at Oxford in Lent Term, 1871 [electronic resource] / John Ruskin
Giotto and his works in Padua : An Explanatory Notice of the Series of Woodcuts Executed for the Arundel Society After the Frescoes in the Arena Chapel [electronic resource] / John Ruskin
Rembrandt : A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter with Introduction and Interpretation [electronic resource] / Estelle M. Hurll
Correggio : A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter with Introduction and Interpretation [electronic resource] / Estelle M. Hurll
A Text-Book of the History of Painting [electronic resource] / John Charles Van Dyke
Illuminated Manuscripts [electronic resource] / John William Bradley
Van Dyck : A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter with Introduction and Interpretation [electronic resource] / Estelle M. Hurll
Albert Dürer [electronic resource] / T. Sturge Moore
Chinese Painters : A Critical Study [electronic resource] / Raphaël Petrucci
Souvenirs de Madame Louise-Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, Tome premier [electronic resource] / Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun
Field's Chromatography ; or, Treatise on Colours and Pigments as Used by Artists [electronic resource] / George Field
The Works of William Hogarth : In a Series of Engravings : With Descriptions, and a Comment on Their Moral Tendency [electronic resource] / William Hogarth
Fra Angelico [electronic resource] / I. B. Supino
Masters of Water-Colour Painting [electronic resource]
Rembrandt [electronic resource] / Jozef Israëls
Rembrandt and His Works : Comprising a Short Account of His Life; with a Critical Examination into His Principles and Practice of Design, Light, Shade, and Colour. Illustrated by Examples from the Etchings of Rembrandt. [electronic resource] / John Burnet
Santa Rita Pintor : In Memoriam [electronic resource] / Carlos Parreira
Souvenirs de Madame Louise-Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, Tome second [electronic resource] / Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun
Souvenirs de Madame Louise-Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, Tome troisième [electronic resource] / Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun
The Venetian Painters of the Renaissance : Third Edition [electronic resource] / Bernard Berenson
The Gentle Art of Making Enemies [electronic resource] / James McNeill Whistler
A Color Notation : A measured color system, based on the three qualities Hue, Value and Chroma [electronic resource] / A. H. Munsell
Overbeck [electronic resource] / J. Beavington Atkinson
Nova academia de pintura : dedicada às senhoras portuguezas que amão ou se applicão ao estudo das Bellas Artes [electronic resource] / Cirilo Volkmar Machado
The Children's Book of Celebrated Pictures [electronic resource] / Lorinda Munson Bryant
Holbein [electronic resource] / Beatrice Fortescue
Vigée Le Brun [electronic resource] / Haldane MacFall
The Venetian School of Painting [electronic resource] / Evelyn March Phillipps
Raeburn [electronic resource] / J. L., Caw
Frederic Lord Leighton : An Illustrated Record of His Life and Work [electronic resource] / Ernest Rhys
Perugino [electronic resource] / Selwyn Brinton
Vida y obras de don Diego Velázquez [electronic resource] / Jacinto Octavio Picón
Luca Signorelli [electronic resource] / Maud Cruttwell
Six Centuries of Painting [electronic resource] / Randall Davies
Thoughts on Art and Life [electronic resource] / da Vinci Leonardo
Modern Painters, Volume 1 (of 5) [electronic resource] / John Ruskin
Modern Painters, Volume 2 (of 5) [electronic resource] / John Ruskin
Velazquez [electronic resource] / S. L. Bensusan
Rembrandt's Amsterdam [electronic resource] / Frits Lugt
Dürer : Artist-Biographies [electronic resource] / M. F. Sweetser
The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 3 (of 6) : From the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century [electronic resource] / Luigi Lanzi
The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 1 (of 6) : From the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century [electronic resource] / Luigi Lanzi
Modern Painters, Volume 4 (of 5) [electronic resource] / John Ruskin
The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 2 (of 6) : From the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century [electronic resource] / Luigi Lanzi
Rembrandt van Rijn [electronic resource] / Malcolm Bell
Landseer : A collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter with introduction and interpretation [electronic resource] / Estelle M. Hurll
The Use of a Box of Colours, in a Practical Demonstration on Composition, Light and Shade, and Colour. [electronic resource] / Harry, active 19th century Willson
Fra Angelico : A Sketch [electronic resource] / Jennie Ellis Keysor
The Painter in Oil : A complete treatise on the principles and technique necessary to the painting of pictures in oil colors [electronic resource] / Daniel Burleigh Parkhurst
The Memoirs of Madame Vigée Lebrun [electronic resource] / Louise-Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun
Fragments of an Autobiography [electronic resource] / Felix Moscheles
Louis David, Son Ecole et Son Temps : Souvenirs [electronic resource] / E. J. Delécluze
Leonardo da Vinci : A Psychosexual Study of an Infantile Reminiscence [electronic resource] / Sigmund Freud
Hermann Stieffel, Soldier Artist of the West [electronic resource] / Edgar M. Howell
Birket Foster, R.W.S. : Sixteen examples in colour of the artist's work [electronic resource] / H. M. Cundall
Murillo [electronic resource] / S. L. Bensusan
Constable [electronic resource] / C. Lewis Hind
Forty years of 'Spy' [electronic resource] / Leslie, Ward
Art Principles with Special Reference to Painting : Together with Notes on the Illusions Produced by the Painter [electronic resource] / Ernest Govett
Holman Hunt [electronic resource] / Mary E. Coleridge
The Life, Letters and Work of Frederic Leighton. Volume II [electronic resource] / Russell, Barrington
Traité élémentaire de la peinture, : avec 58 figures d'après les dessins originaux de Le Poussin, dont 34 en taille-douce [electronic resource] / da Vinci Leonardo
John Pettie, R.A., H.R.S.A. : Sixteen examples in colour of the artist's work [electronic resource] / Martin Hardie
Bastien Lepage [electronic resource] / François Crastre
Romney [electronic resource] / C. Lewis Hind
George Morland : Sixteen examples in colour of the artist's work [electronic resource] / E. D. Cuming
Rembrandt [electronic resource] / H. Knackfuss
William Blake : A Study of His Life and Art Work [electronic resource] / Irene Langridge
The Life, Letters and Work of Frederic Leighton. Volume I [electronic resource] / Russell, Barrington
William Blake : A Critical Essay [electronic resource] / Algernon Charles Swinburne
Pietro Vannucci, called Perugino [electronic resource] / George C. Williamson
Leighton [electronic resource] / A. L. Baldry
James Ensor [electronic resource] / Emile Verhaeren
On the Laws of Japanese Painting : An Introduction to the Study of the Art of Japan [electronic resource] / Henry P. Bowie
Histoire de Édouard Manet et de son oeuvre [electronic resource] / Théodore Duret
Delacroix [electronic resource] / Paul G. Konody
Pintoricchio [electronic resource] / Evelyn March Phillipps
Elementary Color [electronic resource] / Milton Bradley
The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 5 (of 6) : From the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century [electronic resource] / Luigi Lanzi
Corot [electronic resource] / Sidney Allnutt
Colour as a Means of Art : Being an Adaption of the Experience of Professors to the Practice of Amateurs [electronic resource] / Frank Howard
Gainsborough [electronic resource] / Max Rothschild
Modern Painting, Its Tendency and Meaning [electronic resource] / Willard Huntington Wright
Turner : Five letters and a postscript. [electronic resource] / C. Lewis Hind
Lessons in the Art of Illuminating : A Series of Examples selected from Works in the British Museum, Lambeth Palace Library, and the South Kensington Museum. With Practical Instructions, and a Sketch of the History of the Art [electronic resource] / W. J. Loftie
Turner [electronic resource] / W. Cosmo Monkhouse
Whistler [electronic resource] / T. Martin Wood
The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli, Volume 3 (of 3) [electronic resource] / Henry Fuseli
Burne-Jones [electronic resource] / A. L. Baldry
The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli, Volume 1 (of 3) [electronic resource] / Henry Fuseli
The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 6 (of 6) : From the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century (6 volumes) [electronic resource] / Luigi Lanzi
Bellini [electronic resource] / George Hay
Dürer [electronic resource] / Herbert Furst
Reynolds [electronic resource] / S. L. Bensusan
Immortal Youth : A Study in the Will to Create [electronic resource] / Lucien Price
The Life and Writings of Henry Fuseli, Volume 2 (of 3) [electronic resource] / Henry Fuseli
An Autobiography [electronic resource] / Elizabeth Butler
Watteau [electronic resource] / C. Lewis Hind
Botticelli [electronic resource] / Henry Bryan Binns
Millais [electronic resource] / A. L. Baldry
Modern Painters, Volume 3 (of 5) [electronic resource] / John Ruskin
The Letters of a Post-Impressionist : Being the Familiar Correspondence of Vincent Van Gogh [electronic resource] / Vincent van Gogh
Women Painters of the World : From the Time of Caterina Vigri, 1413-1463, to Rosa Bonheur and the Present Day [electronic resource]
Paul Gauguin, His Life and Art [electronic resource] / John Gould Fletcher
English Painters, with a Chapter on American Painters [electronic resource] / S. R. Koehler
Rubens [electronic resource] / S. L. Bensusan
Titian : a collection of fifteen pictures and a portrait of the painter [electronic resource] / Estelle M. Hurll
The History of Painting in Italy, Vol. 4 (of 6) : From the Period of the Revival of the Fine Arts to the End of the Eighteenth Century [electronic resource] / Luigi Lanzi
Paul Cézanne [electronic resource] / Gustave Coquiot
Boucher [electronic resource] / Haldane MacFall
Fromentin [electronic resource] / Georges Beaume
Filippo Lippi [electronic resource] / Paul G. Konody
Fragonard [electronic resource] / Haldane MacFall
The History of Modern Painting, Volume 1 (of 4) : Revised edition continued by the author to the end of the XIX century [electronic resource] / Richard Muther
Raphael [electronic resource] / Paul G. Konody
Masters in Art, Part 32, v. 3, August, 1902 : Giotto : A Series of Illustrated Monographs [electronic resource] / Anonymous
Meissonier [electronic resource] / Henri Barbusse
Tintoretto [electronic resource] / S. L. Bensusan
Millet [electronic resource] / Percy Moore Turner
Fra Angelico [electronic resource] / James Mason
Franz Hals [electronic resource] / Edgcumbe Staley
Bernardino Luini [electronic resource] / James Mason
Goya [electronic resource] / François Crastre
Memlinc [electronic resource] / J. Cyril M. Weale
Titian [electronic resource] / S. L. Bensusan
Rosa Bonheur [electronic resource] / François Crastre
Greuze [electronic resource] / Alys Eyre Macklin
Hogarth [electronic resource] / C. Lewis Hind
Van Dyck [electronic resource] / Percy Moore Turner
Chardin [electronic resource] / Paul G. Konody
Van Eyck [electronic resource] / J. Cyril M. Weale
The Mentor : American Miniature Painters, January 15, 1917, Serial No. 123 [electronic resource] / Elizabeth Lounsbery
The History of Modern Painting, Volume 3 (of 4) : Revised edition continued by the author to the end of the XIX century [electronic resource] / Richard Muther
Sargent [electronic resource] / T. Martin Wood
Modern Painters, Volume 5 (of 5) [electronic resource] / John Ruskin
Veronese [electronic resource] / François Crastre
Lawrence [electronic resource] / S. L. Bensusan
The History of Modern Painting, Volume 2 (of 4) : Revised edition continued by the author to the end of the XIX century [electronic resource] / Richard Muther
Rossetti [electronic resource] / Lucien Pissarro
Carlo Dolci [electronic resource] / George Hay
Puvis de Chavannes [electronic resource] / François Crastre
Les Peintres Provençaux : Loubon et son temps - Aiguier - Ricard - Monticelli - Paul Guigou [electronic resource] / André Gouirand
Giotto [electronic resource] / Harry Quilter
Holbein [electronic resource] / S. L. Bensusan
Mantegna [electronic resource] / N. D'Anvers
Ingres [electronic resource] / A. J. Finberg
Gérôme [electronic resource] / Albert Keim
Masters in Art, Part 79, Volume 7, July, 1906 : Ingres : A Series of Illustrated Monographs [electronic resource]
A Treatise on Painting [electronic resource] / da Vinci Leonardo
Die Aquarell-Malerei : Bemerkungen über die Technik derselben in ihrer Anwendung auf die Landschafts-Malerei. Dritte Auflage. [electronic resource] / Max Schmidt
The History, Theory, and Practice of Illuminating : Condensed from 'The Art of Illuminating' by the same illustrator and author [electronic resource] / M. Digby, Wyatt
Illuminated manuscripts in classical and mediaeval times, their art and their technique [electronic resource] / J. H. Middleton
Henner [electronic resource] / François Crastre
Elementary Instruction in the Art of Illuminating and Missal Painting on Vellum : A Guide to Modern Illuminators [electronic resource] / D. Laurent de Lara
The Life of James McNeill Whistler [electronic resource] / Elizabeth Robins Pennell
The Whistler Book : A Monograph of the Life and Position in Art of James McNeill Whistler, Together with a Careful Study of His More Important Works [electronic resource] / Sadakichi Hartmann
Reynolds [electronic resource] / Randall Davies
The Mentor : American Mural Painters, vol. 2, Num 15, Serial No. 67, September 15, 1914 [electronic resource] / Arthur Hoeber
The Mentor : Painters of Western Life, Vol 3, Num. 9, Serial No. 85, June 15, 1915 [electronic resource] / Arthur Hoeber
Emblematic Illumination; or Forms, Colours and Emblems : Suitable for Illuminating Texts of Holy Scripture in Large Style, in Oils or Water-colours. [electronic resource]
Romney [electronic resource] / Randall Davies
The Mentor : Two Early German Painters, Dürer and Holbein, Vol. 1, Num. 48, Serial No. 48 [electronic resource] / Frank Jewett Mather
Illumination and Its Development in the Present Day [electronic resource] / Sidney Farnsworth
Kate Greenaway [electronic resource] / George Somes Layard
The Mentor : Makers of American Art, Vol. 1, Num. 45, Serial No. 45 [electronic resource] / J. Thompson Willing
Histoire de la peinture en Italie [electronic resource] / Stendhal
The Mentor : American Landscape Painters, Vol. 1, Num. 26, Serial No. 26 [electronic resource] / Samuel Isham
Briefe, Aufzeichnungen und Aphorismen. Erster Band [electronic resource] / Franz Marc
Hogarth's Works, with life and anecdotal descriptions of his pictures. Volume 3 (of 3) [electronic resource] / John Ireland
Albert Durer a Venise et dans les Pays-Bas : autobiographie, lettres, journal de voyages, papiers divers [electronic resource] / Albrecht Dürer
A. von Menzel [electronic resource] / H. Knackfuss
Hogarth's Works, with life and anecdotal descriptions of his pictures. Volume 2 (of 3) [electronic resource] / John Ireland
William Blake, Painter and Poet [electronic resource] / Richard Garnett
The Mentor : Rembrandt, Vol. 4, Num. 20, Serial No. 120, December 1, 1916 [electronic resource] / John Charles Van Dyke
Deutsche Landschaften [electronic resource] / Albrecht Dürer
The Mentor : Angels in Art, Vol. 1, Num. 40 [electronic resource] / John Charles Van Dyke
Hogarth's Works, with life and anecdotal descriptions of his pictures. Volume 1 (of 3) [electronic resource] / John Ireland
Dante Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite movement [electronic resource] / Esther Wood
Biographical Anecdotes of William Hogarth, With a Catalogue of His Works [electronic resource] / John Nichols
Briefe, Aufzeichnungen und Aphorismen. Zweiter Band [electronic resource] / Franz Marc
The Mentor : The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Vol. 6, Num. 9, Serial No. 157, June 15, 1918 [electronic resource] / Sydney P. Noe
The Mentor : The National Gallery—London, Vol. 4, Num. 4, Serial No. 104, April 1, 1916 : Great Galleries of the World [electronic resource] / John Charles Van Dyke
Dürer [electronic resource] / H. Knackfuss
Les Peintres Cubistes : [Méditations Esthétiques] [electronic resource] / Guillaume Apollinaire
Happy England [electronic resource] / Marcus B. Huish
Journal de Eugène Delacroix, Tome 1 (de 3) : 1823-1850 [electronic resource] / Eugène Delacroix
Journal de Eugène Delacroix, Tome 3 (de 3) : 1855-1863 [electronic resource] / Eugène Delacroix
Handbuch der Aquarellmalerei : Nach dem heutigen Standpunkte und mit vorzüglicher Anwendung auf Landschaft und Architektur nebst einem Anhange über Holzmalerei [electronic resource] / Friedrich Jaennicke
Lectures on Painting, Delivered to the Students of the Royal Acadamy [electronic resource] / Edward Armitage
Ludwig Richter. Ein deutscher Maler und Hausfreund. : Seine Lebensgeschichte für Jung und Alt erzählt [electronic resource] / Johannes Ninck
Homer Martin, a Reminiscence, October 28, 1836-February 12, 1897 [electronic resource] / Elizabeth Gilbert Martin
Oxford Water-Colours [electronic resource] / John Fulleylove
Journal de Eugène Delacroix, Tome 2 (de 3) : 1850-1854 [electronic resource] / Eugène Delacroix
Modern French Masters [electronic resource] / Marie Van Vorst
Velazquez [electronic resource] / H. Knackfuss
A Primer of the Art of Illumination for the Use of Beginners : With a rudimentary treatise on the art, practical directions for its exercise, and examples taken from illuminated mss. [electronic resource] / F. Delamotte
Sir Edwin Landseer [electronic resource] / Frederic George Stephens
Fresco Painting [electronic resource] / James Ward
Eugène Delacroix [electronic resource] / Camille Mauclair
Turner's Golden Visions [electronic resource] / C. Lewis Hind
Introduction à la méthode de Léonard de Vinci [electronic resource] / Paul Valéry
Hans Holbein [electronic resource] / Arthur B. Chamberlain
Murillo [electronic resource] / H. Knackfuss
Franz Hals [electronic resource] / H. Knackfuss
Ed. Manet : étude biographique et critique [electronic resource] / Émile Zola
El tratado de la pintura [electronic resource] / Leon Battista Alberti
The Story of Spanish Painting [electronic resource] / Charles H. Caffin
Tizian [electronic resource] / H. Knackfuss
A Child's Guide to Pictures [electronic resource] / Charles H. Caffin
Raffael [electronic resource] / H. Knackfuss
Gemälde und ihre Meister [electronic resource] / Arnold Reimann
Leonardo da Vinci als Ingenieur und Philosoph : Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Technik und der induktiven Wissenschaften [electronic resource] / Hermann Grothe
The Story of Dutch Painting [electronic resource] / Charles H. Caffin
Rubens [electronic resource] / H. Knackfuss
A. van Dyck [electronic resource] / H. Knackfuss
Colour Decoration of Architecture [electronic resource] / James Ward
American Masters of Painting : Being Brief Appreciations of Some American Painters [electronic resource] / Charles H. Caffin
The development of British landscape painting in water-colours [electronic resource] / A. J. Finberg
Landschaften [electronic resource] / Hans Thoma
G. F. Watts [electronic resource] / G. K. Chesterton
Les Dieux et les Demi-Dieux de la Peinture [electronic resource] / Théophile Gautier
Avant et Après : Avec les vingt-sept dessins du manuscrit original [electronic resource] / Paul Gauguin
Waldmüller : Bilder und Erlebnisse [electronic resource] / Georg Jacob Wolf
Jehan de Paris : varlet de chambre et peintre ordinaire des rois Charles VIII et Louis XII [electronic resource] / J. Renouvier
Propos de peintre, première série : de David à Degas : Ingres, David, Manet, Degas, Renoir, Cézanne, Whistler, Fantin-Latour, Ricard, Conder, Beardsley, etc. Préface par Marcel Proust [electronic resource] / Jacques-Émile Blanche
Botticelli [electronic resource] / Emil Schaeffer
Propos de peintre, deuxième série : Dates : Précédé d'une Réponse à la Préface de M. Marcel Proust au De David à Degas [electronic resource] / Jacques-Émile Blanche
The Water-Colours of J. M. W. Turner [electronic resource] / A. J. Finberg
Noa Noa [electronic resource] / Paul Gauguin
Hans Thoma und seine Weggenossen : Eine Kunstgabe [electronic resource] / Hans Thoma
Etruscan Tomb Paintings, Their Subjects and Significance [electronic resource] / Frederik Poulsen
Holbein der jüngere [electronic resource] / H. Knackfuss
Spanish Painting [electronic resource] / A. de Beruete y Moret
British Marine Painting [electronic resource]
Velázquez en el museo del Prado [electronic resource] / A. de Beruete y Moret
The Mysterious Box : Nuclear Science and Art [electronic resource] / Bernard Keisch
Nagy Balogh János élete és művészete (1874-1919) : Egy ismeretlenül élt festő emlékkönyve [electronic resource] / Artúr Elek
Liebermann [electronic resource] / Hans Rosenhagen
Water Color Renderings of Venice [electronic resource]
Illuminated illustrations of Froissart; Selected from the ms. in the British museum. [electronic resource] / Jean Froissart
From Seven to Seventy : Memories of a Painter and a Yankee [electronic resource] / Edward Simmons
The children and the pictures [electronic resource] / Pamela Grey
Chester Water-Colours [electronic resource]
Cubists and Post-Impressionism [electronic resource] / Arthur Jerome Eddy
Cotswolds Water-Colours [electronic resource]
The Life and Works of Joseph Wright, A.R.A., commonly called "Wright of Derby" [electronic resource] / William Bemrose
Turner's Water-Colours at Farnley Hall [electronic resource] / J. M. W. Turner
Hampshire Water-Colours [electronic resource]
Goya, an account of his life and works [electronic resource] / Albert Frederick Calvert
Early English Water-Colour Drawings of the Great Masters [electronic resource] / A. J. Finberg
Hans Holbein the Younger, Volume 1 (of 2) [electronic resource] / Arthur B. Chamberlain
Illuminated illustrations of Froissart; Selected from the ms. in the Bibliothèque royale, Paris, and from other sources [electronic resource] / Jean Froissart
Treatise on landscape painting in water-colours by David Cox [electronic resource] / David Cox
Greuze [electronic resource] / Harold Armitage
The Thousand Buddhas : Ancient Buddhist Paintings from the Cave-Temples of Tun-huang on the Western Frontier of China [electronic resource] / Aurel, Stein
"The spirit of '76" : Some recollections of the artist and the painting [electronic resource] / Henry Kelsey Devereux
Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema [electronic resource] / Helen Zimmern
The charm of Reynolds [electronic resource] / James Mason
Lovis Corinth [electronic resource] / Lovis Corinth
Impressionist painting : its genesis and development [electronic resource] / Wynford Dewhurst
Rossetti [electronic resource] / H. C. Marillier
George Romney [electronic resource] / George C. Williamson
Sir John Everett Millais [electronic resource] / A. L. Baldry
Hans Holbein the Younger, Volume 2 (of 2) [electronic resource] / Arthur B. Chamberlain
William Blake [electronic resource] / G. K. Chesterton
Constantino Brumidi, Michelangelo of the United States Capitol [electronic resource] / Myrtle Cheney Murdock
The brothers Van Eyck [electronic resource] / Paul G. Konody
Recollections and impressions of James A. McNeill Whistler [electronic resource] / Arthur Jerome Eddy
Le dimanche avec Paul Cézanne (souvenirs) [electronic resource] / Léo Larguier
Catalogue of valuable paintings and water colors mostly of the modern Dutch school, forming the private collection of A. Augustus Healy, Esq., Brooklyn : $b to be disposed of at unrestricted public sale ... February 15 [1907] at Mendelssohn Hall [electronic resource] / American Art Association
Encaustic : Or, Count Caylus's method of painting in the manner of the ancients. : To which is added a sure and easy method for fixing of crayons [electronic resource] / Jean-Henri Müntz
How to paint permanent pictures [electronic resource] / Maximilian Toch
Jules Bastien-Lepage and his art : $b a memoir [electronic resource] / Mathilde Blind
Lectures on painting, delivered at the Royal Academy : $b With additional observations and notes [electronic resource] / Henry Fuseli
A history of Italian painting [electronic resource] / Frank Jewett Mather
Bakst : $b The story of Leon Bakst's life [electronic resource] / Léon Bakst
Retrospective exhibition of important works of John Singer Sargent, February 23rd to March 22nd, 1924 [electronic resource] / John Singer Sargent