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Panama-Pacific International Exposition (1915 : San Francisco, Calif.) (13)
The City of Domes : a walk with an architect about the courts and palaces of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, with a discussion of its architecture, its sculpture, its mural decorations, its coloring and its lighting, preceded by a history of its growth [electronic resource] / John D. Barry
The Galleries of the Exposition [electronic resource] / Eugen Neuhaus
The Art of the Exposition : Personal Impressions of the Architecture, Sculpture, Mural Decorations, Color Scheme and Other Aesthetic Aspects of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition [electronic resource] / Eugen Neuhaus
Palaces and Courts of the Exposition : A Handbook of the Architecture, Sculpture and Mural Paintings, with Special Reference to the Symbolism [electronic resource] / Juliet Helena Lumbard James
Sculpture of the Exposition Palaces and Courts : Descriptive Notes on the Art of the Statuary at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco [electronic resource] / Juliet Helena Lumbard James
The Sculpture and Mural Decorations of the Exposition : A Pictorial Survey of the Art of the Panama-Pacific international exposition [electronic resource] / Stella G. S. Perry
The Fourth-Dimensional Reaches of the Exposition : San Francisco, 1915 [electronic resource] / Cora Lenore Williams
The Jewel City [electronic resource] / Ben Macomber
An Art-Lovers Guide to the Exposition : Explanations of the Architecture, Sculpture and Mural Paintings, With a Guide for Study in the Art Gallery [electronic resource] / Sheldon Cheney
The Architecture and Landscape Gardening of the Exposition : A Pictorial Survey of the Most Beautiful Achitectural Compositions of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition [electronic resource] / Louis Christian Mullgardt
A Foreword to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition [electronic resource] / Juliet Helena Lumbard James
The Argentine Republic [electronic resource] / Anonymous
What We Saw at Madame World's Fair : Being a Series of Letters from the Twins at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition to Their Cousins at Home [electronic resource] / Elizabeth Gordon