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World War, 1914-1918 -- United States (24)
The Letters of Franklin K. Lane, Personal and Political [electronic resource] / Franklin K. Lane
Why we are at war : $b messages to the Congress, January to April 1917 [electronic resource] / Woodrow Wilson
The Whistling Mother [electronic resource] / Grace S. Richmond
An essay on the American contribution and the democratic idea [electronic resource] / Winston Churchill
Out To Win : The Story of America in France [electronic resource] / Coningsby Dawson
President Wilson's Addresses [electronic resource] / Woodrow Wilson
The World Decision [electronic resource] / Robert Herrick
The History of the American Expedition Fighting the Bolsheviki : Campaigning in North Russia 1918-1919 [electronic resource] / Lewis E. Jahns
Woodrow Wilson and the World War : A Chronicle of Our Own Times. [electronic resource] / Charles Seymour
The Spirit of Lafayette [electronic resource] / James Mott Hallowell
In our first year of war : $b messages and addresses to the Congress and the people, March 5, 1917, to January 8, 1918 [electronic resource] / Woodrow Wilson
Worrying Won't Win [electronic resource] / Montague Glass
Over Here : Impressions of America by a British officer [electronic resource] / Hector MacQuarrie
Our Army at the Front [electronic resource] / Heywood Broun
The United States and the War [electronic resource] / Gilbert Murray
With the Doughboy in France : A Few Chapters of an American Effort [electronic resource] / Edward Hungerford
The Victory At Sea [electronic resource] / Burton Jesse Hendrick
The Glory of the Coming : What Mine Eyes Have Seen of Americans in Action in This Year of Grace and Allied Endeavor [electronic resource] / Irvin S. Cobb
Frenzied Liberty; The Myth of "A Rich Man's War" [electronic resource] / Otto H. Kahn
The Last Million : How They Invaded France—and England [electronic resource] / Ian Hay
Roosevelt in the Kansas City Star : War-time Editorials [electronic resource] / Theodore Roosevelt
Demobilization : $b our industrial and military demobilization after the armistice, 1918-1920 [electronic resource] / Benedict Crowell
Brothers in arms [electronic resource] / E. Alexander Powell
The United States Marine Corps in the World War [electronic resource] / Edwin North McClellan