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Democracy (20)
In the Fourth Year : Anticipations of a World Peace [electronic resource] / H. G. Wells
Open Source Democracy : How online communication is changing offline politics [electronic resource] / Douglas Rushkoff
The Soul of Democracy : The Philosophy of the World War in Relation to Human Liberty [electronic resource] / Edward Howard Griggs
Heart of Man [electronic resource] / George Edward Woodberry
An essay on the American contribution and the democratic idea [electronic resource] / Winston Churchill
American Institutions and Their Influence [electronic resource] / Alexis de Tocqueville
The Rise of the Democracy [electronic resource] / Joseph Clayton
The Ghost in the White House : Some suggestions as to how a hundred million people (who are supposed in a vague, helpless way to haunt the white house) can make themselves felt with a president, how they can back him up, express themselves to him, be expressed by him, and get what they want [electronic resource] / Gerald Stanley Lee
Ariel [electronic resource] / José Enrique Rodó
A Democracia : Estudo sobre o governo representativo [electronic resource] / Jaime de Magalhães Lima
The Spirit of Lafayette [electronic resource] / James Mott Hallowell
The Cult of Incompetence [electronic resource] / Émile Faguet
Proclaim Liberty! [electronic resource] / Gilbert Seldes
Socialism and Democracy in Europe [electronic resource] / Samuel Peter Orth
Discourses in America [electronic resource] / Matthew Arnold
Democracy in France. January 1849 [electronic resource] / François Guizot
The Unfinished Programme of Democracy [electronic resource] / Richard Roberts
Causes and Consequences [electronic resource] / John Jay Chapman
Leaders of the People : Studies in Democratic History [electronic resource] / Joseph Clayton
The public and its problems [electronic resource] / John Dewey