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Parodies (28)
Who Was Who : 5000 B. C. to Date : Biographical Dictionary of the Famous and Those Who Wanted to Be [electronic resource]
A Parody Outline of History : Wherein May Be Found a Curiously Irreverent Treatment of American Historical Events, Imagining Them as They Would Be Narrated by America's Most Characteristic Contemporary Authors [electronic resource] / Donald Ogden Stewart
Old Friends : Essays in Epistolary Parody [electronic resource] / Andrew Lang
Condensed Novels [electronic resource] / Bret Harte
Condensed Novels : New Burlesques [electronic resource] / Bret Harte
Nonsense Novels [electronic resource] / Stephen Leacock
Rejected Addresses; Or, The New Theatrum Poetarum [electronic resource] / Horace Smith
Green Bays. Verses and Parodies [electronic resource] / Arthur Quiller-Couch
A Christmas Garland [electronic resource] / Max, Beerbohm
The Book of Ballads, edited by Bon Gaultier [pseud.] [electronic resource] / William Edmondstoune Aytoun
Parodies of Ballad Criticism (1711-1787) : A Comment Upon the History of Tom Thumb, 1711, by William Wagstaffe; The Knave of Hearts, 1787, by George Canning [electronic resource] / George Canning
Winsome Winnie and other New Nonsense Novels [electronic resource] / Stephen Leacock
Something Else Again [electronic resource] / Franklin P. Adams
If Winter Don't : A.B.C.D.E.F. Notsomuchinson [electronic resource] / Barry Pain
A Tree with a Bird in it : : A Symposium of Contemporary American Poets on Being Shown a Pear-tree on Which Sat a Grackle [electronic resource] / Margaret Widdemer
The Book of Ballads : Eleventh Edition, 1870 [electronic resource] / William Edmondstoune Aytoun
A Parody Anthology [electronic resource]
Parodieën [electronic resource] / Cornelis Veth
Mr. Punch's Dramatic Sequels [electronic resource] / St. John Hankin
Der Eroberer : Eine poetische Phantasie in fünf Kaprizzen. Aus alten Urkunden mit neuen Anmerkungen [electronic resource] / Paul Weidmann
Parodies of the works of English and American authors, vol. I [electronic resource]
A Century of Parody and Imitation [electronic resource]
Unparliamentary papers and other diversions [electronic resource] / Reginald Berkeley
Parodies of the works of English and American authors, vol. IV [electronic resource]
Parodies of the works of English and American authors, vol. II [electronic resource]
Parodies of the works of English and American authors, vol. V [electronic resource]
Parodies of the works of English and American authors, vol. III [electronic resource]
Parodies of the works of English and American authors, vol. VI [electronic resource]