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<td valign="top"><h3><b>Land Conference 1991 and 2018</b></h3><br>
This collection contains the individual submissions to the 1991 Land Conference.<br>
<a href="http://www.mlr.gov.na/land-conference1">The official documents compiled by the Namibia Economic Policy Research Unit (NEPRU)
can be found below or at the Ministry of Land Reform's website</a>.<br>
<a href="http://dna.nust.na/landconference/landconference.html">For more information on land-related matters, please visit this website</a>.<br>
<a href="http://ilmi.nust.na/?q=new-land-question">Or the Integrated Land Management Institute's Web site</a>. <br>
We would like to thank the National Archives for their kind support, as well as Werner Hillebrecht.<br>
Click on of the classifiers to browse the collection, or on 'search' in the top right.