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<td valign="top">Ottilie Nietzsche-Reiter kept track of the photographs she took by keeping an index book in alphabetical order. For example if she took a picture of Mr. Smuts, it was entered under S in the log book, and then under the year it was taken. <br>
There are 4 volumes: <br>Volume 1 from 1940 to 1946 ,<br>Volume 2 from 1947 to 1950,<br> Volume 3 from 1951 to 1953,<br> Volume 4 from 1954 to 1956,<br> Volume 5 from 1957 to 1957, <br>and Volume 6 from 1961 to 1961.<br>
Browse by Volume or the Index letter (alphabetical), on search for any word.